Area Measurement

Familiarise yourself with the particulars of the area measurement endpoint


An area measurement object represents information about the area measurements within the physical building. Area measurement data can be pushed to the BuildingMinds Platform via this API.

Add area measurements

POST Request: {{BASE_URL}}/area-measurement

Pre-Requisite: For an area measurement to be added via BuildingMinds API, it must be associated with one of the following entity identifiers: siteId, buildingId, floorId, spaceId, rentalUnitId or landId.

  • If you create an area measurement without a suitably linked entity, it will remain in a NEW state. A related entity with its specified ID must be successfully created before the area measurement can proceed to a COMPLETED state.

Field attributes

accuracystringAccuracy of area measurement

Options: Estimated, Measured, Aggregated, Unknown
areaMeasurementIdstringUnique identifier; must either originate from the previous system or be explicitly defined.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50 (mandatory)
bmEstimationbooleanIs the data estimated by BuildingMinds? (Y/N) (mandatory)
buildingIdsstring, arrayArray of building Ids.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
eventTypestringType of the event as specific domain event

Options: AreaMeasurementAdded, AreaMeasurementUpdated, AreaMeasurementDeleted
extensionDatajsonExtension data for storing any custom data
floorIdsstring, arrayArray of floor Ids.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
landIdsstring, arrayArray of land Ids.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
rentalUnitstring, arrayArray of rental unit Ids.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
siteIdsstring, arrayArray of site Ids.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
spaceIdsstring, arrayArray of space Ids
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
standardstringArea measurement standard

Options: DIN 277-1, MFG, IPMS, RICS, BOMA, NA
typestringType of the standard area

Options: Gross floor area, Construction area, Net room area, Circulation area, Net usable area, Technical area, Living/residence area, Office area, Production/laboratory area, Storage/distribution/selling area, Education/teaching/culture area, Healing/care area, Other uses, Rentable exclusion, Rentable area, Gross external area, External Wall area, Gross internal area, A-Vertical penetrations, B-Structural elements, C-Technical services, D-Hygiene areas, E-Circulation areas, F-Amenities, G-Workspace, H-Other areas, Boundary area, Rentable area common occupancy, Building amenity area, Building service area, Floor service area, Rentable area exclusive occupancy, Tenant ancillary area, Tenant area, Major vertical penetrations, Occupant Storage area, Parking area, Unenclosed Building Feature: Covered Gallery, Vacant area, NA, Energy reference area, Total surface area, Vegetated area, Non-vegetated area, Green ground area, Green roof area, Green wall area, Green terrace area, Landlord area, Land area (mandatory)
unitstringUnit area is measured with

Options: sqm, sqft, acr (mandatory)
validFromstringThe records can be used from this date onwards in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ form (conform to ISO 8061)
minLength: 20 (mandatory)
validUntilstringThe records can be used until this date in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ form (conform to ISO 8061)
minLength: 20 (mandatory)
valuenumberValue of measurement (mandatory)
    "siteIds": [
    "accuracy": "Estimated",
    "areaMeasurementId": "string",
    "bmEstimation": true,
    "buildingIds": [
    "eventType": "AreaMeasurementAdded",
    "extensionData": {
      "additionalProp1": {}
    "floorIds": [
    "landIds": [
    "rentalUnitIds": [
    "spaceIds": [
    "standard": "DIN 277-1",
    "type": "Gross floor area",
    "unit": "sqm",
    "validFrom": "stringstringstringst",
    "validUntil": "stringstringstringst",
    "value": 999999999

Update area measurement

For the area measurement to be updated, it must be associated with any of the following entity identifiers: siteId, buildingId, floorId, spaceId, rentalUnitId and landId.

  • If you update an area measurement without a suitable linked entity, it will remain in a NEW state. A related entity with its specified ID must be successfully created before the area measurement can proceed to a COMPLETED state.
  • The only change will be in the eventType: AreaMeasurementUpdated.

POST Request:{{BASE_URL}}/area-measurement

    "siteIds": [
    "accuracy": "Estimated",
    "areaMeasurementId": "string",
    "bmEstimation": true,
    "buildingIds": [
    "eventType": "AreaMeasurementUpdated",
    "extensionData": {
      "additionalProp1": {}
    "floorIds": [
    "landIds": [
    "rentalUnitIds": [
    "spaceIds": [
    "standard": "DIN 277-1",
    "type": "Gross floor area",
    "unit": "sqm",
    "validFrom": "stringstringstringst",
    "validUntil": "stringstringstringst",
    "value": 999999999

Delete area measurement

Most of the schema will be the same as the adding area measurement and this will be a POST request too, but the only change will be in the eventType: AreaMeasurementDeleted.

  • In case you delete an area measurement, only the area measurement will be deleted and not the associated objects.

POST Request:{{BASE_URL}}/area-measurement

    "siteIds": [
    "accuracy": "Estimated",
    "areaMeasurementId": "string",
    "bmEstimation": true,
    "buildingIds": [
    "eventType": "AreaMeasurementDeleted",
    "extensionData": {
      "additionalProp1": {}
    "floorIds": [
    "landIds": [
    "rentalUnitIds": [
    "spaceIds": [
    "standard": "DIN 277-1",
    "type": "Gross floor area",
    "unit": "sqm",
    "validFrom": "stringstringstringst",
    "validUntil": "stringstringstringst",
    "value": 999999999

View status of area measurement

Based on the batchID generated you can GET the batch of the on-boarded area measurement with the below mentioned request.

GET Request:{{BASE_URL}}/batch/{id}/inbound

Please refer to Batch page for more details.