
Familiarize yourself with particulars of the land endpoint.


A land object refers to a defined area of land, possibly partially covered with water, on which the project construction is to be completed or already completed. Land data can be pushed to the BuildingMinds Platform via this API.

Add lands

POST Request: {{BASE_URL}}/land

Pre-Requisite: For a land to be added via BuildingMinds API, a site must be on-boarded with a siteId.

  • For the land to be on-boarded, a {{siteID}} from the related site is required.
  • If you create a land with a random site ID, it will remain in a NEW state. A site with the specified IDs must be successfully created before the land can proceed to a COMPLETED state.

Field attributes

addressIdsstringArray of address Ids.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
eventTypestring, enumType of the event as specific domain event.

Options: LandAdded, LandUpdated, LandDeleted 
extensionDatajsonExtension data for storing any custom data
landCodestringUser specific Land Code.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 70
landCoveragestringDevelopment level of land
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
landIdstringUnique identifier; must either originate from the previous system or be explicitly defined
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50 (mandatory)
landParcelNrstringDistrict/Zoning number registered for the Plot of land
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
namestringName of Land e.g: park, garden, parking.
minLength: 1; maxLength: 200 (mandatory)
selfUsebooleanIs the land self-used or not? (Y/N)
siteIdstringRefers to the site which the land belongs to.
minLength: 1 ; maxLength: 50 (mandatory)
statusstringStatus of building
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
tenantStructurestring, enumAre there multiple tenants in the building or only one?

Options: Single-tenant, Multi-tenant 
typeOfOwnershipstringIs the building owned or leased?

Options: Owner, Tenant  (mandatory)
validFromstringThe records can be used from this date onwards in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ form (conform to ISO 8061)
minLength: 20 (mandatory)
validUntilstringThe records can be used from this date onwards in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ form (conform to ISO 8061)
minLength: 20 (mandatory)
valuationIdsstring, arrayArray of valuation Ids
minLength: 1; maxLength: 50
    "addressIds": [
    "eventType": "LandAdded",
    "extensionData": {
      "additionalProp1": {}
    "landCode": "string",
    "landCoverage": "string",
    "landId": "string",
    "landParcelNr": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "selfUse": true,
    "siteId": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "typeOfOwnership": "Owner",
    "validFrom": "stringstringstringst",
    "validUntil": "stringstringstringst",
    "valuationIds": [

Update land

For the land to be updated, {{siteID}} from the related site is required.

  • If you try to update a land with a random site ID, it will remain in NEW state. A site with the specified IDs must be successfully created before the land can proceed to a COMPLETED state.
  • The only change will be in the eventType: LandUpdated.

POST Request:{{BASE_URL}}/land

    "addressIds": [
    "eventType": "LandUpdated",
    "extensionData": {
      "additionalProp1": {}
    "landCode": "string",
    "landCoverage": "string",
    "landId": "string",
    "landParcelNr": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "selfUse": true,
    "siteId": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "typeOfOwnership": "Owner",
    "validFrom": "stringstringstringst",
    "validUntil": "stringstringstringst",
    "valuationIds": [

Delete land

Most of the schema will be the same as the adding land and this will be a POST request too, but the only change will be in the eventType: LandDeleted.

  • For the land to be deleted, {{siteID}} from the related site are required.
  • In case you delete a land, only the land will be deleted and not the on-boarded site.

POST Request:{{BASE_URL}}/land

    "addressIds": [
    "eventType": "LandDeleted",
    "extensionData": {
      "additionalProp1": {}
    "landCode": "string",
    "landCoverage": "string",
    "landId": "string",
    "landParcelNr": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "selfUse": true,
    "siteId": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "type": "string",
    "typeOfOwnership": "Owner",
    "validFrom": "stringstringstringst",
    "validUntil": "stringstringstringst",
    "valuationIds": [

View status of land

Based on the batchID generated you can GET the batch of the on-boarded land with the below mentioned request. This will be the same for both Update and Delete.

GET Request:{{BASE_URL}}/batch/{id}/inbound