
Familiarise yourself with the particulars of the batch endpoint.


A batch represents a group of inbound messages that were sent together. These messages contain information about the entities to be onboarded via the BuildingMinds API, as well as the status of their onboarding process. When data is pushed in a single request using BuildingMinds API, a Batch ID is returned in case of a successful post. Users can use this Batch ID to see the status of the records pushed in this batch.

View batches

User can view the list of batches.

GET Request: {{BASE_URL}}/batch

Query attributes

batchIdstringBatch ID to be queried
createdFromstringThe records were created from this date onwards in yyyy-mm-dd
createdTostringThe records were created until this date at the latest in yyyy-mm-dd
createdAtstringThe records were created on this exact date in yyyy-mm-dd
skipnumberNumber of batch objects to skip.
limitnumberNumber of batch objects to return.

Sample response

  "message": "string",
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [
  "error": "Request validation failed"

View inbound messages of a batch

User can view the inbound messages in each batch to view each record which is pushed in a single request along with the status of its progress with regards to data onboarding. ### GET Request: {{BASE_URL}}/batch.

Query attributes

idstringBatch ID to be queried
missingDependenciesbooleanDo the queried messages have missing dependencies?
statusstringStatus of the onboarding of the data in the message
Options: New, InProgress, Failed, FailedValidation, Retrying, Completed, FailedGeoCoding, GeoCodingSuccessful, TransformationFailed, Resubmitting
skipnumberNumber of message objects to skip.
limitnumberNumber of message objects to return.

Sample response

  "message": "string",
  "totalCount": 0,
  "data": [

Data progress statuses on inbound messages

Each record in the inbound message can have any of the following statuses based on these conditions.

NewThis means that an entity is awaiting its updates.
FailedThis means that the messages have failed validation in data type/ data-format / internal error.
PendingIt is similar to the new, and the system awaits for other entities to be on-boarded.
CompletedData is successfully processed End2End and passed to the Business Logic.